This form sends an email message to Dreamland Interactive Entertainment with the details of your order. The message is not encrypted at present. If you are not comfortable sending your credit card number by email, you may complete this order form without credit card information, which you can then provide separately by phone. Remember, in the unlikely event of fraud against your credit card you are only liable up to $50 maximum, and rarely will they even charge you that. Your information is kept extremely confidential and we DO NOT sell any customer information!
An email message containing your order will be forwarded to our Burbank office. We will normally confirm this order by email on the following business day. The confirmation will include the expected shipping date and the total amount billed to your credit card. If you do not recieve a confirmation by the second business day, you may wish to call Dreamland Interactive at 818-843-1162 to confirm receipt. We ship orders promptly by Priority Mail, so you should receive your order within 2-4 days after the confirmation.